What is digital marketing

If you want to get information about digital marketing, you don’t know what digital marketing is and how it can be used and why it can be used, then you have come to the right place.  Here you will be informed with all the information about what digital marketing is and how it is used and why it is used and what are its types.

What is digital marketing

What is deal marketing? For example, you have created a perfume brand. Now you have to tell people that I have created a perfume brand and it has this price. It has these benefits.  Telling the relevant information about the brand to the public is called retail marketing This digital marketing was started in 1990 and regional marketing was started by Phil before 1990 when digital marketing didn’t even have a name.  People used to advertise their brand by putting pictures of their ads on signboards and advertising it on TV and advertising it in newspapers.  and provide all the information related to that brand, only then people would know that someone has a brand and it has this benefit and it has this price but in 1990 when Philippin started digital marketing.  It will be very easy for people now people can promote their brand from sitting at home. it will be very easy for people to make good money for digital marketing by making their brand known through body marketing at home. Before 1990, there was  marketing then it was very difficult for people  It would have been difficult for them to market their product and earn money from it, but after 1990s it has become very easy for people to make good money by promoting their product through digital marketing.  There are many types of data marketing that are easily done and people can continue to work while doing test marketing.

When and who started digital marketing?

Digital marketing was started in 1990 and this marketing was started by Philip kotle because before 1990 when digital marketing did not have any brand name then people were very difficult to promote their product or their brand.  Advertising your brand in newspapers and other things, which was a very difficult task, but when the Philippines started dater marketing in 1990, and after 1990 when the promotional marketing started, it became very easy for people.  And they promote their brand or their product through Mozlay platform at home and earn money from home. Digital marketing is very useful for people.
Digital Marketing Marketing is different steps through which people do marketing and it is marketing on different platforms for which people are making good money by getting people to see their service, their product or marketing their brand.  They charge money from them and are earning good money through it. Digital marketing has become very important for everyone in today’s era because everyone is doing their business nowadays and digital marketing.  Digital marketing is a very important thing for people which cannot be lived in this era without digital marketing because everyone promotes their business through digital marketing.

Different types of marketing

Affiliate Marketing, Content Marketing, Email Marketing, Marketing Analytics, Mobile Marketing, Pay-per-click, Search Engine Optimization and Social Media Marketing.

Why should we use digital marketing?

In this day and age it is very important to use digital marketing to promote your products and your business without it you cannot promote your products without it.  You cannot advertise your brand You can also earn money from digital marketing, you can give your digital marketing service to people, you can charge them money by doing digital marketing of people’s products and their brand here.  Can earn money.

How can we do digital marketing?

You can do digital marketing of your product in different ways, firstly you can advertise your product or your brand, you can advertise on different sites, different platforms, but most people advertise on Facebook.  To sell out their product and people also place their ads on the website You can market your product in a way that you can do it as a video and you can do it also as a picture.  But people mostly market their product or their business, you can go there and market your product, for this marketing Facebook company or whatever platform you are marketing your product on.  You are charged a few rupees for marketing because it will expose your company’s product to more people than simply if people like it, they will click on it and contact you.  You can buy the product and you can earn a good job from it.


In this article we learned what digital marketing is and what are its types and who made it and when and why digital marketing was started and how digital marketing is used in our daily life.  Why and for what reason it is important to do all the information I have told you in this article. If you want to get more information related to digital marketing, then you can get all the related information on the same website.  It will go from which you know in your information You can enhance your education and all the information is in front of you

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